Is Entrepreneurship Right For You?

Virtual assistants are in high demand and the industry can be very rewarding and lucrative. However, just like other professions, it will take hard work, consistency, and great strategic planning to succeed.

Although, the sky is the limit in your earning capacity, the truth of the matter, the majority of virtual assistants are not making 6 figures in their business in spite of popular beliefs, but it is possible!

While being an independent contractor/entrepreneur is rewarding, it does come with some challenges as well, which we discuss in this very raw and uncensored video. During this post-pandemic era, there has also been an incredible shift in Corporate America when it comes to office etiquette/politics, professionalism, and the hiring practices of administrative support personnel.

We would love to hear your thoughts. If you’ve witnessed similar situations outlined in this video, we would be interested in learning about your experience. Also, if you have any questions about starting your own virtual assistant business, leave a comment or contact us via our website at – We look forward to connecting with you and thank you in advance for your feedback.

Happy New year 2023!

The 1st quarter of the New Year is here, and many businesses have already developed strategic plans for 2023. While a new year offers a chance to try something new, market instability and the looming threat of a potential recession are increasing the amount of pressure felt by #smallbusiness #leaders. Are you on course or do you need to pivot?

Now, more than ever, it is important to look at cost-saving measures without sacrificing the quality of service. Luckily, there is an alternative to the high cost associated with hiring a full-time, permanent employee… contracting a professional, experienced, and college-educated Executive Virtual Assistant.

Looking back at the successes and failures of 2022 can offer insight into what initiatives would be best to explore or where an organization can pivot if something isn’t bringing in the desired results.

To learn more, click the link and schedule a 15-minute Discovery Call or 30-minute Consultation today to discuss how Harlem World Palm Consulting may help you “Simplify Your Life” in 2023.

Happy Women’s History Month

Harlem World Palm Consulting | Women’s History Month

Once a male-dominated industry, women are killing it in this current digital landscape. More women are present in the entrepreneurial world to show off their skills and create lucrative business opportunities. Women are taking over more and more leadership roles and bringing a new wave of transformation in the business world. However, I’ve come to realize that we cannot do it alone. We need to be able to trust someone who can handle those time-consuming and repetitive administrative tasks that are holding us back from growing our business.

With that being said, Executive Virtual Assistants at Harlem World Palm Consulting are ready to become the catalyst of change in your life. During this YouTube video, I share with you “5 Signs You Need a Virtual Assistant!” For more information, schedule a Discovery Call or Consultation today. Also, if you’re a #virtualassistant interested in finding new clients, send me an email with your specialty and contact information.

2022 New Year’s Resolutions

This is the time of year where the fitness centers are over-crowded with those vowing to change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the start of the new year. Almost four years ago, when my beloved Mom transitioned, R.I.P. ;-( I also vowed to work harder to improve areas of my life and release anything that no longer served me, so I get it. I began by letting go of toxic people, places and things. As a result, I placed more of a focus on my immediate family, genuine friendships, my business, finances, and my health. Consequently, I lost 80lbs within the first year and managed to keep it off, even during the pandemic. If I can do it, so can you! #YouGotThis

According to an article in the Country Living Magazine titled, “Top 10 New Year’s resolutions for 2022 revealed,” below are the “TOP 10 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FOR 2022,”

  1. Lose weight
  2. Eat healthier or change diet
  3. Get fitter and take more exercise
  4. Spend more time with family and friends
  5. Be more aware and take care of mental health
  6. Sort out finances and cut back spending
  7. Travel more
  8. Take up a new hobby, sport or other interest
  9. Be more environmentally friendly
  10. Look for a new job

What’s your New Year Resolution and how’s it going? Harlem World Palm Consulting is always here to help you “Simplify Your Life!” If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below in this video. Remember… “You Got This!”

Do Your Customers Know, Like and Trust You?

There are four P’s of marketing (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) that is designed to increase sales. However, without adding value to your prospective customers, it is pointless. As Janet Jackson used to sing, “What have you done for me lately!” People are looking to see what you can bring to the table. Your competitive ability and price alone, will not be enough to create a sale. Since most people buy on emotions, it’s important to build a relationship by getting to know your customers instead of trying to sell your products and/or services to them. Of course, this will take patience, resources and time, which you may not have an abundance of since you’re busy growing your business.

Studies have shown that most people do business with people that they connect with. One of the most powerful marketing tool for any business owner is “Blogging.” However, many people may have difficulties trying to figure out where to start, what to write about and/or find the time to conduct research to complete the project. You may write about your market/industry, although writing out a topic you’re passionate about, makes blogging a lot easier. Blogging allow others to get a sneak peek into your world and will ultimately connect you with your customers to establish the “Know, Like and Trust” factor… so keep Blogging!

An Executive Virtual Assistant is like having an extra pair of hands without hiring an actual employee. As a small business owner, an extra pair of hands would be a welcoming asset. The benefits of contracting an Executive Virtual Assistant is enormous. You only pay for the time you need to get the project done without the responsibilities and overhead costs associated with hiring a permanent full-time and/or part-time employee. There are so many marketing tasks/projects you can outsource to a virtual assistant (see previous blogs published by Harlem World Palm Consulting) to add value to your prospective and existing customers.

Learn more on how an extra pair of hands from Harlem World Palm Consulting may assist you with this and other tasks that will free your time to grow your business.

On Target for the 4th Quarter of 2019?


The last and fourth quarter of the year (October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019) is quickly approaching. Believe it or not, we are more than 1/2 way through 2019, which is a great time to review your business goals that were established in the beginning of the year, to ascertain whether or not you’re on target. Perhaps you need to tighten up some loose ends before the new year.

Are you where you want to be in your business? Are you still on target with your 2019 business goals, resolutions & aspirations? If not, it’s not too late…

Allow Harlem World Palm Consulting to “Simplify Your Life” in 2019. In an effort to help explain how Harlem World Palm Consulting may assist you with your year-end goals, we’ve compiled a list of “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ):

What is Harlem World Palm Consulting?

Harlem World Palm Consulting is the solution to all of your day-to-day administrative, organizational, time-management, marketing, and social-media needs!

Harlem World Palm Consulting is comprised of professional, college-educated, U.S.-based Executive Virtual Assistants for Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Non-Profit Organizations, and Busy Executives.

The corporate headquarters for Harlem World Palm Consulting is located in beautiful Winter Park, Florida, but is a virtual-based company, allowing us to service our clients anywhere in the United States of America… We are just a “Click 🔗Away!”

What services are provided by Harlem World Palm Consulting?


Is it affordable?

Yes, contracting an administrative professional at Harlem World Palm Consulting is actually more affordable than the cost associated with hiring a permanent full-time employee.

We have several options to choose from based on your needs. We offer 1x project pricing or 10-60 hour monthly retainer packages without locking you in a long-term agreement.

How do we get started?

In just 3 Simple Steps….

1. Contact us via our website, social media, email, and/or telephone
📱 (561) 247-5590 | (407) 801-4424
📧 or
💻 Click🔗@HarlemWorldPalm

2. Schedule a convenient time for us to chat to determine what your specific needs are, and

3. Establish a Start Date.

Additionally, ⬇️Gift Certificates are Available⬇️.

Can you imagine the look 👀 on the face of that special Entrepreneur/Small Business Owner in your life, when they discover this incredibly unique 🎁 ~ Help them scale their business and have more quality time to spend with you & their loved ones now and for years to come!


What’s in it for me (WIIFM)?

We get it… the main question everyone wants to know is, “What’s in it for me?” We understand time is a valuable commodity that we will never be able to recover. Therefore, at Harlem World Palm Consulting, we will not waste your time…
Recently, we received the following question from a prospect:
“I’m in the entertainment industry, how would you be able to assist me?”
Our response:
Harlem World Palm Consulting is a full-service professional administrative/marketing support firm. Many small business owners, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations benefit from our services because there is always a demand for professional administrative support. Organizational support, client outreach, sales support, client follow up, email marketing, and social-media management are all vital components that are necessary to the success of every business in every industry.
Harlem World Palm Consulting is equipped to help you “Simplify Your Life!” However, it all depends on areas, tasks or projects in your day-to-day business that you have deemed as repetitive, time-consuming, and not the best use of your time as the President, Chief Executive Officer or Executive Director of your growing company. In other words, what repetitive or time-consuming tasks are you performing that is taking away time from engaging with existing and/or prospective clients, spending quality time with loved ones and enjoying your life as an entrepreneur? What are some of the pain points you’re experiencing in your business?
You simply tell us what your administrative/marketing needs are, and we will tell you whether or not we can meet and/or exceed your expectations! For more information, read our Blog Post titled, “Do Your Customers, Know, Like, and Trust You?”

Who Is Your Gatekeeper?

A gatekeeper is a person who controls access to something or someone, also referred to as a liaison. Rhona Cheryl Graff from Queens, NY is a long-standing Executive Assistant to Donald Trump and the Trump Organization. According to Wikipedia, she worked at Trump Tower in New York City for nearly 30 years prior to Trump’s election to the United States Presidency, and has been described as Trump’s “gatekeeper!” We all need a “Gatekeeper” and someone we can trust with our confidential information. Did you know that “Executive Assistants” were once referred to as a “Secretary” (Keeper of Secrets).

Once you’re fortunate enough to find a professional, educated, and highly-skilled Executive Assistant who is committed to you, your brand & your mission, make sure you do everything in your power to keep them on your team. They are a valuable asset to the growth of your business.

Once upon a time, only corporate senior-level executives were able to afford an Executive Assistant. Today, you can contract an Executive Virtual Assistant for any industry, level of business or geographical location. Imagine having someone on your team with that level of loyalty, commitment, and professional skills without having to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs associated with hiring a permanent full-time employee.

To learn more, click🔗 to schedule a Discovery Call or Consultation today!

3 Reasons to Make Your Brand Social

As a small business owner, we are always seeking new ways to get noticed by potential customers. Having a presence and a great marketing strategy on social media is a great way to engage with current customers as well as attract new ones. There are so many benefits to using social media. It helps you build brand awareness, increase your customer base, and connect with current customers.

Most of all, there are three reasons to market your brand on social media today:

1. 55% of the time, your brand and credibility are researched on social media
2. 75% of the time, social media is used to support purchasing decisions
3. 84% of the time, executives research the Internet before making a purchase

When using social media, we connect with our customers online, unlike many large businesses. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you may attempt to handle the influx of comments, spam, postings, graphics, content, strategy, etc., but who has time for that? Not you, because you’re out building your empire. Leave this task to the professionals and outsource your social media management/marketing to a dedicated social media manager at Harlem World Palm Consulting today! (

Happy Father’s Day!

On this special Father’s Day, people all over the world will thank their fathers, and pay tribute to them by providing cards, flowers, gadgets or another necktie. However, we know that one of the greatest gift ever, is our father. You might have been pampered and bought up with all the things that you wished for or perhaps he was the strong disciplinarian type.  At the end of the day, he always work hard to ascertain that you and the rest of the family have everything you need.

You’re probably wondering what to gift someone who has everything? On this beautiful day, why not acknowledge and appreciate the important role your Dad play in your life by providing him with something that he would truly appreciate… time?

Recent studies indicated that the overwhelming majority of small business owners are males, over the age of 50 years old.  Therefore, most likely, your Dad has ventured out on his own professionally.  Otherwise, he is still employed by a company where he is juggling to maintain a balance between his home and busy work-life.  Time is a precious commodity that you cannot ever get back.  Many fathers are small business owners, entrepreneurs, busy executives, etc. and could use an exceptional administrative support person to help navigate through time-consuming, but necessary, administrative, organizational and technical tasks.

At Harlem World Palm Consulting, we understand that a father is no ordinary man, but a “Superhero” to his family. So, why don’t you gift your superhero something unique, interesting, and useful? “Simplify his Life” so that he may have the ability to spend quality time with you and your family, while growing his business.

Choose any Executive Administrative or Social Media package at Harlem World Palm Consulting and get 10% off when you sign up during the entire month of June. Simply go to the home page and click “Book Now” to surprise your Dad with this wonderful gift. Our representatives are standing by to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, enjoy this special day with your “Superhero!”