Let’s Netflix and Build

It has been estimated that there are approximately 500,000 movies currently in existence. There are so many great inspirational movies to motivate you in building a successful business. You may find most of them on Netflix or perhaps you’re like me and still purchase DVD’s and have a DVD player. For the most part, movies are very entertaining, however, as an Entrepreneur or Small Business Owner, who has time for that, right? Well, I’ve discovered some valuable lessons and become increasingly more motivated in building my business from watching certain movies.

If I had to pick one movie out of the 500,000 that really resonate with me, hands down it would be “Sparkle.” The movie begins in Harlem, New York in 1958, and follows the girl group, Sister and the Sisters, which is made up of three sisters: Sister (Lonette McKee), Sparkle (Irene Cara), and Delores (Dwan Smith). Then there’s a “treat” for the ladies… Stix (Philip Michael Thomas), Sparkle’s love interest. Some may view this as a love story but I believe it is more of a rags to riches story. This movie also reminds us that we all have choices in life no matter what conditions we were raised in and we should not give up on our dreams. As an entrepreneur, at times, we may have to get off our path temporarily to focus on immediate needs like providing for our family but we can still work on our goals at the same time. Your mindset will determine your choices in deciding on your path to success 1) Fast & Risky or 2) Slow & Steady (Strategic) ~ Keep in mind that whatever path we’ve decided to take, we have the strength to overcome adversity. My mother used to say, “Whatever don’t kill you, will make you strong.” We are resilient and have the power to be successful with perseverance and hard work! Check out my website for some of my personal challenges… http://nangeladolberry.com

So the next time someone make a suggestion to “Netflix and Chill,” tell them “Let’s Netflix and Build!” with the “Top 10 Movies for Entrepreneurs” by Patrick Bet-David! http://youtu.be/LdnGeRyoKXU

Simplify Your Life

During these challenging economic times, the emphasis on being conservative and saving money is at an all-time high.  However, as a small business owner, you’ve worked very hard to grow your business and you should not be concerned about missed opportunities to further grow your business due to administrative tasks. You deserve to have administrative support to represent your company with the professional image and services of a Fortune 500 company in an effort to take your business to the next level.

What is stopping you from taking your business to the next level? What repetitive tasks are you spending your time on that could be delegated to someone else? Perhaps you’re working on a special project and you need additional administrative support to meet a deadline? Are you being inundated with paperwork or constantly “Feeding the Beast” a.k.a. Social Media?  Have you ever tracked just how much time you spend on administrative tasks?  You’ll be surprised to know that most Small Business Owners actually spend at least 60% or more of their time on administrative tasks, which is incredible!  Unfortunately, continuing to operate in this manner will eventually create a problem for you and the growth of your business.  

Therefore, many Small Business Owners are opting to outsource administrative tasks as a convenient and cost-effective approach to allow them to concentrate on their bottom line.  There are so many benefits to outsourcing! Outsourcing allows you more time to focus on your business, increase productivity/revenue and reduce overhead costs.  Additionally, there are No costly classified ads in the newspaper, No required training, No time-consuming interviews, No employee-related insurance costs, and absolutely No agency fees when you partner with an “experienced and competent” Administrative Consultant! 

For more information, please visit us at >>> http://nangeladolberry.com/
Complete the “Client Assessment Form” so that we have a better idea of what your needs are in an effort for us to “Simplify Your Life.” After all, the success of your “Business” depends on it! 

Note: Pay close attention to the 3rd most important position out of 4 in this short clip titled, “Finding the right tasks to outsource | Small business | lynda.com” https://youtu.be/kUVOPgJfU3I